Fit Brains Love to Learn

Fast Learning NZ shares the belief that any brain can be developed and made fitter much like any other part of the body. This belief draws from the some of the most up to date neuroscience and Fast Learning NZ provides well-researched, peer reviewed products which will strengthen the brain’s pathways allowing the brain to learn better.

Whaaia te maatauranga hei oranga mō koutou

Seek after learning for the sake of your well-being.

Our Vision

To offer learning opportunities with the aim of maximising the brain’s fitness ensuring learning potential is realised and enhanced.

Our Mission

To provide access to research based, peer reviewed computer delivered programmes which unlock learning potential while providing timely, quality feedback and support about the learner’s progress.

Core Values

Believe, Inspire, Support:
Learning with integrity.

Introducing Director, Nicola Glew

Nicola has taught English in a number of high schools including 12 years in Sydney where she was a Manager and Teacher. Part of her management was to oversee the Education Support Unit. She successfully introduced Fast ForWord to students from Year 3 – 11.

She has considerable experience teaching students with a wide variety of special needs.

Her journey into this field began as she searched for effective interventions to support her daughter who has a dyslexic learning style.

Returning to New Zealand, Nicola established Fast Learning NZ so that Kiwis could access from a local business the most successful brain training programme in the world.

She is in regular communication with the latest peer-reviewed and school based research being conducted on the Fast ForWord programmes.

She joined leading neuroscientist Steve Miller in speaking at the Educating with Neuroscience conference in Melbourne in 2016.

  • - BA English
  • - Diploma in Teaching (distinction)
  • - Cambridge TESOL certificate
  • - Post Graduate Certificate in Special Needs